Lora Margerum

Lora Margerum (she, her, hers) (’21) is an actor, singer, dancer, director, (who’s gaining confidence in writing) and theatre artist based in New York City. She grew up in Indiana, but moved to New York to pursue her Bachelor’s in Theatre from Wagner College, and headed directly to Villanova to obtain her Master’s. Lora has always had an affinity and passion for Musical Theatre—its history, performance, how it has changed culture and how culture has changed it. In addition to musical theatre, Lora is very interested in Shakespeare (she’s done four separate productions of Midsummer!) and stylistic contemporary plays (a la Sarah Ruhl, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Rajiv Joseph). Favorite roles include: Helena (Midsummer Night’s Dream), Olive (…Spelling Bee), Jan (Grease), Eliza Doolittle (Pygmalion), Truly Scrumptious (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang).
Recently, she has started a live podcast on YouTube called Overtures where she talks to theatre artists (and former theatre artists) about their ‘overtures’ into theatre and how the art has led them to where they are today. She is passionate about shining a spotlight on talented artists, and is glad she has found a medium for it.